Wednesday 18 June 2008

First gay marriage photos from California

Despite attempts to outlaw California, the reality is that same sex people are now getting married there,creating an impetus for permanent change.

One celebrity in now getting married suggests that a pre-nup might do the trick, although she did not seek one for herself and her partner.

One of the first weddings was that of Diane Olson and Robin Tyler who have attempted to marry at the Beverly Hills courthouse for the past eight years, each time being denied. LAist has lots of photos of the happy couple. They have been together 12 years.

For Trekkies, Mr Sulu, George Takei has now married his partner Brad Altman.

And not just celebrities. Florastine Hillis, 30, a county probation officer, and Asusena Montes, 32, a youth shelter worker, arrived with their 2-year-old daughter, Kayla in florence-Firestone to marry. Montes said, "We started hanging out more and decided to make a life together."

The ones to take the cake however are....

An iconic couple to now marry (again!)
are long lived and longtime lesbian and feminist activistsDel Martin and Phyllis Lyon, who have been together for over 50 years, were married in 2004, but then found that their then marriage was declared void. They have now married again, with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom officiating.

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