Thursday 26 June 2008

PFLAG Brisbane 2020 Summit

I had the privilege of attending the PFLAG Brisbane 2020 summit on Saturday, which as part of Brisbane Pride discussed topics challenging the LGBT community, such as youth homelessness, suicide, increased rate of HIV infections, health and support for women, and alcohol and drug use.

An idea of Qnews, for whom I write, it was enthusiastically endorsed by Prisbane Pride, and championed by PFLAG stalwart Shelley Argent, and Dr Wendell Rosevear amongst others.

I will post the outcome of the summit when it comes to hand, but in the meantime, here are some happysnaps taken by Sue Kentlyn:

PFLAG Brisbane 2020 summit

PFLAG Brisbane 2020 summit working group

PFLAG Brisbane 2020 summit organiser Shelley Argent

Dr Wendell Rosevear

Kath Wilson

Hilary Knack

Yours truly, animated as ever

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