Monday 1 May 2017

Three upcoming surrogacy and parents to be seminars- two THIS WEEK

This week and in a couple of weeks, I will be undertaking three upcoming seminars about surrogacy and becoming parents:

Seminar one: the LGBTIQ parents to be information night

This Thursday night I will be presenting in Brisbane at the LGBTIQ parents to be information night. There will be three presenters: fertility specialist Dr Andrew Davidson from Rainbow Fertility;  Churchill Fellow, psychologist and fertility counsellor Narelle Dickinson, and me.

This is a free event, and I encourage everyone to attend. More on the details here:

Seminar two: Aussies considering going to the US for surrogacy


One of the world's oldest and leading surrogacy agencies, Boston based Circle Surrogacy, is running a webinar from 9am to 11am Sydney time on Saturday morning, for Australians considering undertaking surrogacy in the US. I am presenting at this along with attorney Scott Buckley from Circle Surrogacy.

The webinar is free and chock full of information about surrogacy - including the implications of the Australian Family Court decision last year of Re Halvard.

Again I encourage everyone to attend.

Seminar 3: Fertility Solutions Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast IVF clinic Fertility Solutions Sunshine Coast has turned 10! To celebrate, on 20 May they will be holding a free patient information morning, including a session which I'll be speaking at for those considering egg, embryo or sperm donation, or needing an egg, embryo or sperm donor.

Again, I encourage everyone to attend. For details, click here:

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