Tuesday 5 September 2017

Free webinar about US surrogacy for Aussies on 16 September

On Saturday 16 September, I will be taking part in a free webinar about Australians undertaking surrogacy in the US. The other speaker will be Dr Said Daneshmand of San Diego Fertility Center. All are welcome.

About me

I have presented in seminars around the world about surrogacy- including in Australia (Qld, NSW, ACT, SA, WA) and overseas (Bahamas, Canada [webinar], Hong Kong, South Africa, UK, USA), and written extensively about surrogacy, including for the Queensland Law Society, Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstreticians and Gynaecologists, American Bar Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the International Bar Association.

Representations I have made have helped change surrogacy law in South Australia and Tasmania. When legal changes were made in South Australia in 2015, one politician said that I was "a lawyer
who has extraordinary expertise in surrogacy legislation". Most recently, one of the world's leading surrogacy lawyers, Andy Vorzimer from Vorzimer/Masserman in Los Angeles said  of me:

“Stephen is universally regarded as the preeminent legal expert in Australia when it comes to surrogacy”.

I have acted for hundreds of clients who have undertaken surrogacy from all corners of Australia, and at last count 25 countries overseas, including hundreds who have become parents through surrogacy in the US. I have advised clients for about the last 10 years who have considered undertaking surrogacy in the US.

It is an honour to help people achieve the dream of parenthood.

About Dr Said Daneshmand

Dr Daneshmand is one of the leading IVF doctors in the world. He has presented in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia about surrogacy. He has helped people in 70+ countries become parents through egg donation and surrogacy.

Dr Daneshmand is not only world renowned, but he is working at an excellent clinic- San Diego Fertility Center. San Diego Fertility Center has long had an excellent reputation among Australian IVF doctors.

And on top of that, Dr Daneshmand is a nice guy! I should know. When I married my husband in Las Vegas in 2015, Dr Daneshmand did me the honour of becoming my best man.

So please join us for an hour and a half of your time, and learn what's involved with IVF and for Australians undertaking surrogacy in the US.



Date:Saturday 16 September

Time:  9.00am to 10.30am Sydney time

Cost: No cost for registering

How to register: https://www.cvent.com/c/express/90dbcdbf-26d1-4d8d-9b0d-14d00ddf730a

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