Friday 8 February 2019

Upcoming surrogacy seminars in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

I'm proudly taking part in the Independent Parents Advisory Network seminar in Sydney on 23 February. The seminar involves reputable clinics and lawyers talking about surrogacy options in the US, Canada and Australia.

In the words of IPAN:

Join us at the upcoming IPAN seminars in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney to learn about Surrogacy, Egg Donation and IVF options in Canada, USA and Australia. If you are considering starting a family and need some help doing so, these events are for you.  Whether you are gay or straight, married, partnered or single, there will be options presented that are available to all.  At each event you will hear the latest information from Lawyers and Surrogacy Professionals.

The seminar is part of a series in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. If you are interested in the seminars, click here.

People who live in NSW must take extreme care in undertaking surrogacy overseas so that they do not commit offences in NSW with egg donation or surrogacy. The offences may still apply even if the egg donation or surrogacy occurred overseas. Anyone living in NSW contemplating egg donation or surrogacy overseas should get expert Australian legal advice first.

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